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Grotek Pro Silicate

Grotek Pro Silicate

Grotek Pro Silicate

PRO SILICATE  Pro-Silicate is a nutritional silicate additive containing potassium and silicon. It helps keep...
Brand: Grotek
Product type: Additives
SKU: B1400
Availability: In Stock

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Pro-Silicate is a nutritional silicate additive containing potassium and silicon.

It helps keep the plants upright positioning the leaves correctly for maximum light exposure that ultimately leads to more food production because of a high rate of photosynthesis.

Pro-Silicate helps the plant battle wilting and drought by acting as insulation against excess water loss at higher temperatures. This helps increase plant growth and prolongs bloom life.

Silica is known to strengthen cell walls and overall cell integrity, which makes plants more resistant to abiotic stress such as heat and drought.  

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